Privacy Policy

I. Introduction

This document is the Privacy Policy of Britenet Sp. z o.o., based at ul. Karolkowa 30, 01-207 Warsaw, NIP 951-219-77-37, REGON 140727009, KRS: 0000264919, (hereafter: Britenet). Britenet Privacy Policy (hereafter: Policy) defines the rules, methods of processing and use of data and information from job candidates, clients and users of all Britenet websites, i.e. and the use of cookies.

In connection with the User's use of the Website, the Administrator collects data to the extent necessary to provide specific services offered, as well as information about the User's activity on the Website. The detailed rules and purposes of processing personal data collected during the use of the Website by the User are described below.

Britenet Sp. z o. o. is committed to providing quality services to you and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your Personal Information. This Policy govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.

II. Definitions

Data controller – is a natural or legal person, public body, unit or other entity, who independently or in cooperation with others establishes goals and means for personal data processing. The Data Administrator is Britenet Sp. z o. o. based in Warsaw at ul. Karolkowa 30, 01-207.

Anonymization – altering personal data in such a way that they cease to be personal data.

Consent of the person to whom the data relate – means voluntary, freely defined, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the person to whom the data relate, by means of a statement or explicit confirmatory action, consenting to the processing of personal data related to that person.

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act – is a Canadian law relating to data privacy. It governs how private sector organizations collect, use and disclose personal information in the course of commercial business.

Personal Data – all information connected to an identified or possible to identify natural person. A person is considered to be directly or indirectly identifiable through a reference to an identifier, such as name, identification number, localization data, Internet identifier, or one or more factors specific for physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person.

Personal data processing – any automated or non-automated action or a set of actions performed on personal data which includes collecting, registering, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting or changing, searching, consulting, using, disclosing through transmission, circulating or otherwise sharing, aligning, or connecting, limiting, removing or destroying personal data.

Services – should be understood as services provided by Britenet electronically via the website.

III. Purpose and grounds for data processing on the website

Personal data of all persons using the Website (including IP address or other identifiers and information collected via cookies or other similar technologies) and not being registered Users (i.e. persons without a profile on the Website) are processed by the Administrator:

  • in order to provide services by electronic means in the scope of providing Users with contentcollected on the Website;
  • for analytical and statistical purposes;
  • in order to pursue claims or defend against them
  • in order to examine an inquiry regarding the provision of services;
  • for the Administrator's marketing purposes - the rules for the processing of personal data formarketing purposes are described in point 4. Marketing.

The User's activity on the Website, including their personal data, is recorded in system logs (a special computer program used to store a chronological record containing information about events and activities related to the IT system used for the provision of services by the Administrator). The information collected in the logs is processed primarily for purposes related to the provision of services. The administrator also processes the information for technical and administrative purposes, for the purposes of ensuring the security of the IT system and managing this system, as well as for analytical and statistical purposes - in this respect, the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator.

IV. Marketing
  1. Contact forms - The Administrator provides the possibility of contacting them using electronic contact forms. Using the form requires providing personal data necessary to contact the User and answer the inquiry. The User may also provide other data to facilitate contact or handling the inquiry. Providing data marked as mandatory is required in order to accept and handle the inquiry, and failure to do so results in the inability to process the inquiry. Providing other data is voluntary. Personal data is processed in order to handle the application submitted via the contact form - the legal basis for processing is the necessity of processing to perform the contract for the provision of the service.
  2. Newsletter - The Administrator processes Users' personal data in order to carry out marketing activities consisting in sending email notifications about interesting offers or content, which in some cases contain commercial information (newsletter service). The Administrator provides the newsletter service to persons who have provided their email address for this purpose. Providing data is required to provide the newsletter service, and failure to do so results in the inability to send it. Personal data is processed in order to send marketing content to the User as part of the newsletter.
  3. Telephone contact - The Administrator processes Users' personal data in order to carry out marketing activities consisting in contact with the User via telephone connections. The administrator provides the service to persons who have provided their address and telephone number for this purpose. Providing data is required to provide the service, and failure to do so results in the inability to provide it. Personal data is processed for contact purposes.

V. Policy of using cookies by the website

Cookie files are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the website User's end device and are intended for using the website pages. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the storage time on the end device and a unique number.
The administrator uses service cookies primarily to provide the User with services provided electronically and to improve the quality of these services. Therefore, the Administrator and other entities providing analytical and statistical services use cookies by storing information or accessing information already stored in the User's telecommunications end device (computer, telephone, tablet, etc.). Cookies used for this purpose include:

● "Service" cookies - cookie files that are necessary to use the website are automatically installed on the User's device. Their use is necessary to provide a telecommunications service (data transmission to display the content) - the User cannot opt out of these cookies if they want to use the website.

●"Analytical and marketing" cookies - Analytical and marketing cookie files are not automatically installed by the Administrator. The User may grant the Administrator permission to install analytical and marketing cookies by giving consent when opening the website (entering the website) or by selecting the "Manage cookies" option in the footer of the page.
● The user may consent to the installation of analytical and marketing cookies by clicking the "I accept" button on the banner that appears after entering the website. Then the Administrator will be entitled to install analytical and marketing cookies in accordance with the settings of the browser used by the User (in the case of default settings, all cookies are installed). The user may consent to the installation of only analytical or marketing cookies. To do this, just click the "Manage cookies" button on the banner that appears after entering the website and select the cookies for the installation of which the User wants to consent. The user may withdraw the consent granted at any time.

VI. Period of personal data processing

The period of data processing by the Administrator depends on the type of service provided and the purpose of processing. As a rule, the data is processed for the duration of the service or the fulfillment of the order, until the consent is withdrawn or an effective objection to data processing is raised in cases where the legal basis for data processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator. The data processing period may be extended if the processing is necessary to establish and pursue any claims or defend against them, and after that time only if and to the extent that it will be required by law. After the expiry of the processing period, the data is irreversibly deleted or anonymized.

VII. User rights

User has the right to:
● access the content of data and request for rectification, deletion, processing restrictions,
● data portability
● object to data processing,
● lodge a complaint with the supervisory body dealing with the protection of personal data.

To the extent that the User's data is processed on the basis of consent, it can be withdrawn at any time by contacting the Administrator or using the functionalities available on the website. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal. The User has the right to object to the processing of data for marketing purposes if the processing takes place in connection with the legitimate interest of the Administrator, and - for reasons related to the User's special situation - in other cases where the legal basis for data processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (e.g. in connection with the implementation of analytical and statistical purposes).

VIII. Data recipients

In connection with the provision of services, personal data will be disclosed to external entities, including in particular IT service providers and entities such as marketing agencies (in terms of marketing services). If the User's consent is obtained, their data may also be made available to other entities for their own purposes, including marketing purposes. The Administrator reserves the right to disclose selected information about the User to the competent authorities or third parties who submit a request for such information, based on an appropriate legal basis and in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.

IX. Transferring data outside the EEA

Personal data may be transferred to third countries in the event that the services provided by the Administrator are also to be performed in the territory of a third country.

Personal data may also be transferred to entities providing tax, legal, audit and settlement advice for
Britenet, if they conduct their business in a third country.
In each of the above cases, we secure the processing of User's personal data. The administrator concludes agreements on confidentiality and on the processing of personal data in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of the law generally applicable in the European Union and Poland in the area of personal data protection, and on conditions to ensure the security of personal data processing. The Administrator does not transfer personal data to international organizations as well as to third countries, if such transfer is not possible or is excluded under generally applicable law.

X. Changes to the Policy content

Due to the development and changing legal regulations, the rules set out in this Policy may change.
The User will be informed about the change of these rules by posting the new content of this document on the website

XI. Contact regarding personal data

In case of any questions or concerns regarding the protection of personal data, you can contact us by traditional correspondence to the address of the registered office of Britenet Sp. z o.o. and via e-mail address:

XII. Links to other pages on the website

The Administrator informs that the website contains links to other websites. The website owner recommends that you read the privacy policies in force there, as they are not responsible for those policies.